Hote Es Port‘s history goes back until the 50’s, when the Montis-Castelló marriage second generation decided to convert the old building known as “Possessió” into a small 10 rooms hotel. One of those rooms still remains from that old times, the suite 329.
It was a room from the very first house when people used to live there, afterwards it became a hostel where people were hosted. Still today it has his original place and has a grand majorcan tradition among its walls. There were hard times, where the business was not quite successful because of the unaffordable work of trying to cultivate the lands.
With the construction of the swimming-pool during the 60’s and the growing of the hotel to 48 rooms at the beginning of the 70’s, it started to have success as a business. Taking advantage of the tourism boost, and with the capacity to host more people than the former hotel with 10 rooms, the Hotel Es Port has great memories back at that times. Those 48 rooms are our double superior type, with a more modern style, everyone of them with balconies with garden sights and to the south.

Back then, the whole Port de Sóller kept its farmlands around the house so the hotel party used to live with the farmers. Until 1985, the gardens from Hotel Es Port where nothing but orchards, stables or lands with olive trees…
During the 60’s and 70’s decades, the Hotel Es Port became an important asset for Puerto de Sóller. The old stage, where you can find the restaurant Sa Figuera nowadays, hosted different performances of spanish musicians such as Dúo Dinámico or Juan Pardo…Nonetheless, it was also a place where swimming championships or military training took place in there.
Do you remember something about that time? If you have any picture, we’d love to see them. You can upload them on this Facebook’s post. Would you like to relive the Hotel Es Port? Book now: